Fee Schedule

Below you will find a summary of the various programs and services I currently offer, with corresponding fee schedules.

3-6-Month Coaching Programs (For LIFEBridge Mental Health Coaching or General Health and Wellness Coaching)

What to expect:

  • Initial 90-minute consultation to review and discuss your health survey, begin to write your personalized wellness vision and set your initial 3-month goals and weekly goals. 
  • Four, 30-minute appointments OR Two, 60- minute appointments each month for three to six months, which will include discussion of progress, exploration of wellness topics, and personalized goal setting.
  • Communication between visits PracticeBetter (or email if preferred)
  • A grocery store shopping guide as well as handouts, recipes, and other materials relevant to your wellness goals.

The regular cost of the program is $200 per month for three to six months. Payments of $200 are due on the first meeting of each month and may be made by check or credit card via Practice Better. If you choose to pay the full cost of the program upfront, the total cost will be reduced to $550(3-month program), or $1100 (6-month program).

All Individualized Coaching Services will be billed at $75 per hour

Educational Group Speaking Engagements will be billed at $100 per hour (Programs typically run 2 hours)