Stepping Stones to Health and Wholeness

Stepping Stones to Health and Wholeness

It is my desire and intention to use this blog space to share what I learn as I learn it.  My hope is that it will in some small way not only impact the way you think about health and wellness but, more importantly, help you to live it out.  Many of the posts will be short and contain links to articles, podcasts, etc. From time to time you can expect a longer and more personal blog post on topics that I am most passionate about.  It is my hope that you will also hear from my husband, Tom, who shares my passion for lifestyle medicine and has a special interest in financial wellness.  In fact, many of the resources that have greatly impacted my life and my health are ones that Tom first shared with me.  I will be sharing some of them here and hope that you will then pass them on to others.

My ultimate desire in writing is to encourage you, wherever you are in your health and wellness journey, to take that next step.  I firmly believe that, though large-scale transformation in the collective health and wellness of our country will not happen overnight, it can happen one person at a time and one decision at a time.  As we learn how to take steps in the direction of greater health and wellness and apply what we have learned to our lives we will move in that direction one step at a time.  As we do, we will be able to more effectively use our lives, our gifts, and our talents to impact others.

Each post will end with this question:

What’s your next step?

I want to encourage you to always be thinking about applying what you learn to your life.  Right where you are, make a decision to step.  It will be a different step for each of us simply because we receive and respond to information in the context of our lives.  Whether it’s a big or a tiny step, it will matter and it will lead to another and another, guaranteed.

Start where you are.  Use what you have.  Do what you can.

— Arthur Ashe